How to use video to supercharge internal communications

Posted by Ashden Walker on March 5, 2025
Ashden Walker

Communicating messages with staying power to colleagues, employees and internal stakeholders isn’t always an easy task. Like us, we’re sure there have been times when you’ve received a company email update, or a Slack message, that you just glance over and forget about within 5 minutes of reading. Well, this is why we’re here to challenge your standard approaches to consider video as a medium to supercharge your internal communications. 

Video - especially animations - is an effective way to capture attention and keep it! With video, information is more memorable, it helps make boring topics more interesting, and helps you get the buy-in that you need for internal uptake. In this blog post, we’re highlighting why you should ditch boring written updates and embrace the video for your internal communications.

TL;DR? Video is a versatile tool that can be used to communicate internal updates in memorable and engaging ways. Templates are a great way to get started quickly, and your videos can be shared out and accessed by your colleagues - both remotely and in office - whenever they need.

We made this highlight video using VideoScribe for your browser! Did you know you can sign up for a free 7-day trial of VideoScribe for your browser, and VideoScribe for your desktop? No risk, no credit card or payment details required - just 100% access to try VideoScribe for 7 days. 

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Let’s start by explaining why we think you should use video over any other medium… Sure, emails, digital or downloadable guides, and physical presentations may have their place but when you want to communicate something - and get it remembered - is this the most effective way? Especially now that many of us are working in a hybrid environment split between the office and home. 

Our tip is to use videos because they’re engaging, pique your viewer's interest, and can explain the concept at a high level while also giving enough detail that drives action i.e. to fill in your expenses using the new software. Plus, people can rewatch and refer back to videos as and when they need. It’s all about creating engaging content that is easily digestible and has elements of entertainment as well.

In our VideoScribe for your browser template library, the ‘Working From Home - Self Care Reminder’ template is a great example of how video is used to showcase the importance of caring for your physical and mental health.


What types of internal communications messages can be shared with video? Our short answer: as many as you need! Our long answer: video can be used in a variety of ways - from the way you onboard and train staff and promote the positive impact your business is having, to how to file expenses and the company code of conduct. Video can be used across the board as one of your key weaponry for internal communications during all stages of the employee lifecycle and recruitment cycle. 

In the VideoScribe for your browser template library, we have a fantastic ‘Whiteboard Explainer - Green Collage’ template that can be used to explain new internal processes in a visually exciting way. Check it out:

So now you know why you should use video, and where video can be used. The next question is how do you start planning out the videos to make sure all the right information is in there... Our answer? It’s a cross-functional activity. 

Start with a brainstorming session with relevant cross-functional stakeholders to clarify exactly who the audience is, what the objectives of each video are, and what the content should or could be. Once all these points are answered, you can get started with your storyboarding. We have this great article and template available to download for free for anyone wanting to get started with their storyboard. 

Brainstorming, editing (lots of it), and working with the right people and tools will bring your internal communications to life! Plus, when you create videos in your business’s branding they’ll slot perfectly into your promotional portfolio. 

Once you have your internal videos ready, it’s time for circulation! Showcase your videos during virtual and in-person updates, upload them to your Intranet, share on Slack, share over email - even if you’re in the office, get people watching directly off your screen! The options are endless. 

Plus once you have your video and templates created, if you need to update anything, just head back into your original project to make the edits before republishing. 

Creating animated videos with VideoScribe is so quick and easy. You can create animated internal communication videos from the comfort of your desktop computer, or on the go using your tablet or iPad. Just choose between VideoScribe for your browser or VideoScribe for your desktop to get started.

And let’s not forget to mention our free 7 day trial again! Sign up today to see what all the fuss is about for VideoScribe. 

Topics: Inspiration & Ideas


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