Create persuasive video case studies using our new template

Posted by Naomi Linford on November 9, 2021
Naomi Linford

What's one of the first things you look for when buying a product or service? Chances are it's a customer review or case study to reassure you that the company you're buying from is trustworthy and that they'll solve your problem.

Which is why it's so important to share customer success stories that build your credibility. The trouble is, lots of brands rely on text only case studies that can be dry and difficult to digest. That's where video case studies come in. Video helps you take your prospective customer on a journey, painting a picture of what the future could look like if they work with you. 

Now you're probably thinking, that's all well and good but I don't have any video creation experience, I'm short on time and I don't have the budget to hire an agency. The good news is, you don't have to! We've designed a brand new case study video template that does all the hard work for you. In 15 minutes you can edit the text to suit your story and hit publish to share with your community. It really is that easy and we'll show you how in today's blog.

Our case study template is ready and waiting for you in VideoScribe. Simply log into VideoScribe and click the 'Template Scribes' button on the left-hand side of your screen. Or start a free 7-day trial (no credit card needed)!

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Case Study Video Template

So we know that when people are looking at case studies, they tend to be further into the buyer's journey. By that we mean they're probably closer to making a decision about whether to buy your product/service and just want to reassure themselves that it's the right choice. 

With that in mind, your case study needs to be as persuasive as possible, after all, this video could be the final piece of content that seals the deal. Which is why, to make your customer story as compelling as possible, we designed it in five key sections:

  1. Introduction to your client
  2. The problem your client was facing 
  3. How your company solved the problem
  4. The results you delivered for the client
  5. Their positive feedback

This structure will help you clearly and easily illustrate the value delivered for clients and show your audience that they could achieve the same success by working with you. Since this structure has already been created, all you have to do is click to edit the text boxes, switch out the logos and change the colors to suit your company branding. With these simple edits, your customer case study will be ready to share in no time.   

So, once you've created your case study video, where and how should you share it? Here's our advice...


Firstly, share your video case study in a prominent place on your website. It could be a dedicated case study page or part of your homepage. Either way ensure that when your prospects need a final push, they can easily find your persuasive video success stories. 

Just ensure that you add a specific call-to-action to the end of your video or elsewhere on the page so that when your prospect has watched the video, they know exactly what to do next. 


Another big opportunity to showcase your previous work is in emails. These could be personal emails to follow up with more information after a sales call, or as part of a bigger marketing campaign. Either way, from our own research we know that emails with video outperform those without time and again. 

So to ensure your case studies are getting the attention they deserve, turn your video into a GIF to entice recipients to learn more. This is a really easy way to include movement in your emails when most email providers don't support video players. You can learn our easy 3 step process for adding GIFs to emails here.

Social Media

Video case studies also perform far better than text based content on social media. Research has proven that posts with videos attract 1200% more shares than text only posts. Plus, this video answers your audience's questions in a clear and succinct way, helping you serve relevant and helpful content that will keep them engaged. 

Don't forget that if you don't want to share the entire video you can also repurpose the content by cutting it into smaller chunks using tools like QuickTime player. For instance, you could just share the positive quote from your customer on your Instagram account by cutting the video and editing the size using For more advice and help on repurposing content, catch up on our webinar here.

To use this template simply log in to VideoScribe or if you're new, sign up for a 7 day free trial. Click here to get started.

Topics: Business, New Features & Updates


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