Why @JonDavis Chooses VideoScribe To Create Viral YouTube Videos

Posted by Ashden Walker on July 16, 2024
Ashden Walker

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital content creation, standing out on platforms like YouTube requires not just creativity, but also the right tools. Today, we're diving into the mind of Jon Davis, Video Content Creator and seasoned YouTuber (peep his 'Create With Jon' channel here) to uncover the secrets behind his success. 


Specifically, we'll explore why Jon chooses VideoScribe as his go-to tool for crafting engaging and share-worthy content. Through five insightful questions, Jon will share his journey, the advantages of using VideoScribe, and tips for aspiring creators looking to make their mark online. Get ready to be inspired and informed by one of the best in the business!

Before we dive into the good stuff, did you know you can try out VideoScribe for free, for 7 days? No strings attached - just sign up with your email and you've got 7 days to see what Jon's been raving about. 

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Please tell us a little about yourself and your YouTube channel's purpose.

I am the stereotypically reserved Brit and have been for 40+ years, always reluctant to take any attention or stand out in the crowd. I have carved a career in IT where I can stay out of the limelight, fixing problems and helping people with their tech issues. Which is why starting a YouTube channel took most of my friends by surprise (myself too!).

However, 5 years ago, after several attempts to find the perfect side hustle (to support my young family) I decided to start a YouTube channel. I could see the huge opportunity on that platform (Did you know YouTube users view a huge 1 billion hours of video each day!) and felt that if I really pushed my comfort zone, then I would learn and develop so many skills on the way.

A few years later and here I am, creating content about tech and tools that can help fellow video creators start and grow a YouTube channel of their own. Leaning into my strengths of understanding software and IT, being able to solve problems for people and teach them how to do things in applications such as VideoScribe.


What specific features of VideoScribe make it an ideal tool for creating engaging and viral YouTube videos?

There’s a big mistake that I often see YouTube creators make. When we are so enthralled and knowledgeable about our subject, we tend to geek out, use all of the acronyms and buzzwords around that particular topic and we forget one thing…. This may be the very first time the viewer has heard of it and we are blinding them with language and difficult concepts, so ultimately, they lose interest and stop watching. 

So how can we overcome this?  Firstly, we can dumb down the terminology and write like we are explaining to a child where possible. Secondly, we can use tools like VideoScribe.

This is an amazing tool for adding visual storytelling, with illustrations it's possible to simplify our message and put the video into easy to understand terms. According to studies 65% of the population are visual learners who use visual reinforcements, such as videos, diagrams and illustrations. Whether you create your entire video in VideoScribe or just parts of it, it's an effective way to keep your viewer engaged with your content (engagement is key to growth on YouTube) and ultimately help them learn whatever you are teaching.


Can you share a particular success story or example where a video created with VideoScribe went viral? What elements contributed to its virality?

I mentioned earlier that I stay away from any limelight, but for a moment I am going to indulge in some self acknowledgment haha! The biggest video I have created on YouTube (by a country mile) is this one, where I talk about YouTube channel ideas for those who do not wish to show their face on YouTube. After a few weeks this video just took off like nothing I had experienced before. 

Why do I think it went viral? A combination of things:

  1. It was a great keyword that ranked in the search engines outside of YouTube too
  2. It solved a problem for viewers
  3. It was entertaining and people appreciated the humour
  4. It had visual storytelling and wasn't just one of my talking head videos where I slowly bore the viewer into submission 🙂


In all seriousness, the audio on that video was abysmal, but the use of illustration and graphics was different to the other videos out there. By creating these visuals I felt more relaxed and able to inject some humour which was picked up by the viewers.

There are far more examples out there though, one of the most impressive VideoScribe based channels is Paddy Galloway - this guy is an inspiration, whilst he hasn’t created much content for a while, behind the scenes he has become a YouTube expert. He works with the best of the best (see MrBeast!) and is sought out for his knowledge and unique insight. 

His videos utilised VideoScribe animations in order to break down and explain how other channels grew on YouTube. He used the “hero” approach where your content is about popular people who have achieved great things, then you show the viewer in simple terms how they do it. Almost every single one of his videos was viral and I believe the format and style on top of his own impeccable knowledge was the ideal combination.

What would stop you doing this very same thing but applied to “hero’s” in other topics? 

If you want a more detailed insight into how even small YouTubers can go viral then check out this video.


How does the ease of use and user interface of VideoScribe compare to other video creation tools you've tried?

I’m a tech enthusiast, I like learning new tools, however I also appreciate that I’m often the minority. Most of my content creator friends hate the challenges that come with learning new software. Thankfully, VideoScribe is about as simple to learn as you can get. I have tried a number of whiteboard animation programs and VideoScribe is by far the easiest. So much so, my kids have both created their own primary school projects using this tool and minimal help from me.

The interface and the different tools: Images, Text, Music, Background etc are neatly presented and very intuitive with how you can use them. I firmly believe an hour or so, clicking around, trying each button, and you will have learnt all you need to know to get that first video created. It really is that simple. 

For those who prefer instructions then there are tons of helpful posts on the VideoScribe website and I’ve also created a beginner friendly course of my own on Skillshare.


What are the key benefits of using VideoScribe for storytelling and animation in your videos?

Undoubtedly, one of the key reasons I use VideoScribe is to simplify complex topics. It helps myself, as it forces me to consider how to break something down into basic illustrations and diagrams so people understand, and it helps the viewer like we talked about earlier.

I also feel like it adds some variety to the video and helps increase engagement. YouTube tracks how long a viewer spends watching your video and those metrics are one of the most important factors when it comes to YouTube growth. If you can get viewers to watch for as long as possible and then even go watch another of our videos, then you will quickly hit the YouTube jackpot.

So even if you don’t want 100% of your video to be animated, you can sprinkle in short clips and visual stories throughout your video to add variety and retain interest. 

It really does depend on your topic too, in my opinion, the more complex it is the more rewarding VideoScribe can be for you. Look at the Art of Improvement channel who has gained over 1 million subscribers by breaking down personal development concepts so anyone can understand.


In what ways does VideoScribe help you save time and resources in the video production process?

Some YouTube creators like to outsource parts of the video creation process, personally I am guilty of trying to do it all, which at times is why I am not always consistent!

One thing to consider is that if you utilise VideoScribe, and your viewers enjoy the format, then there's a good chance you will need to keep that style. If growth is your number one priority, then it's often about finding what works then doing that same thing over and over (Yes, YouTube can be fickle like that).  

Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to find skilled freelancers who also use VideoScribe and when the time comes, you can offload that aspect of the creation process. It would be as simple as supplying them with an audio file, pointing them at your previous work and asking them to adopt that style.

Personally, I am going to keep teaching my kids and then they can start earning their pocket money :)

Topics: Case Studies & Examples


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