The Power of Animated Video in Legal Marketing

Posted by Clemmy Ralph on July 12, 2023
Clemmy Ralph

It's important to find new ways to differentiate your business and attract new customers. That's where animated video comes in. It's the perfect tool to help you stand out from the crowd and capture the attention of your target audience and with 96% of people turning to video to learn about a product or service, now is the best time to invest in video.

By incorporating animated videos into your marketing strategy, you can effectively communicate complex legal topics, enhance your visibility online, showcase your brand's personality and create high-quality legal videos on a budget.

To start creating animated videos for your legal business, sign up for your free 7-day VideoScribe trial. No credit card required!👇


Simplify complex topics

Animated videos have the power to simplify complex legal topics and make them understandable to a wider audience. They are the perfect way to educate potential clients about your legal products and services without overwhelming them with jargon or complex terminology. By presenting the information visually, you'll be able to capture attention and ensure that your message is conveyed effectively. This means you'll be empowering your audience to make informed decisions and understand the value of your legal services.

Whiteboard animation is the perfect way to help explain complex topics to your audience. Check out this VideoScribe whiteboard template which you can customize to suit your product or service.

Watch the below video to see how Tandem explain their services and brand story using whiteboard animation 👇

Expand your brand's visibility

Animated videos are highly shareable and easily accessible. In today's digital age, where information is consumed rapidly and attention spans are shorter than ever, it's essential to capture your audience's attention quickly. Animated videos are engaging and eye-catching, meaning they're more likely to be shared on social media platforms and reach a wider audience. By utilizing video on your social channels, you can expand your brand's visibility and attract potential clients who may have otherwise overlooked your legal services. With 89% of marketers stating that using video gives them a great ROI, it's time to add this into your marketing plan. Using the power of animated video is the perfect ROI-driven marketing for law firms.

💡 To help you create animated videos for social media EVEN easier, you can make videos in a range of different canvas sizes using VideoScribe. So whether you need a vertical, square or landscape video, we've got you covered!

Showcase your brand personality

Animated videos allow you to showcase your brand personality and inject humor, if appropriate, into your legal marketing. By using your branding, tone of voice and core values, you can create a memorable brand image that will resonate with your target audience. This not only helps your business stand out from competitors but also creates a sense of trust and familiarity with your audience. When potential customers connect with your brand on a personal level, they are more likely to choose your services over others.

You can also use humor to keep your audience entertained and engaged when watching your videos. It will allow you to create memorable marketing campaigns that will help you connect with your audience.

Check out the below video to see how Qwill inject humor and personality using animation 👇


Creating animated videos using VideoScribe is not only fast and efficient, it's also cost-effective. Why spend money on expensive freelance animators, when you can pay a yearly or monthly payment and get access to unlimited video creation?! You'll also have access to hundreds of professional video templates to kick start your animation journey. Animated videos are more affordable than traditional video production because they require less equipment. This makes animation a budget-friendly legal marketing tactic for businesses that are looking to create high-quality content on a tight budget. Animated video is the most efficient law firm marketing strategy to add to your yearly marketing plans.

With VideoScribe, you can create high-quality legal videos at a fraction of the usual cost!

Check out the below video to see how Christian Weaver uses VideoScribe to explain legal topics in 60 seconds 👇

And that brings us to the end of our guide to using animated video in legal marketing. Whether you're looking to create professional videos on a budget, engage your audience on social media or explain complex topics with ease, we've got you covered! By using our range of hand-drawn unique images, ready-made animated templates and unique animation effects, you can create your own awesome videos in minutes! 


Start your 7 day free trial today

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