Using video to create effective training materials

Posted by Clemmy Ralph on May 16, 2024
Clemmy Ralph

Corporate training is a big investment. Do it well and you’ll improve sales, boost staff retention rates and increase employee satisfaction. Do it poorly and you’re throwing an average of $1,000 a year per employee down the drain. In the post-pandemic world of remote working, this risk increases exponentially. How do you effectively disseminate new processes, or onboard new starters without the benefits of in-person interaction? 

Companies successfully navigating this challenge have been integrating video as part of their training content development. The versatility of video makes it perfect for any form of employee training, whether that’s up-skilling existing teammates, or sharing HR processes. And considering we process images 60,000 times faster than the written word, it’s no surprise video has been making corporate training more accessible and effective than other training mediums.

To create your own animated training videos for your business, log into your VideoScribe account or sign up for your 7-day free trial today 👇


Benefits of using video for training

Before we dive deeper into the specific ways you can utilize video in your company, let’s take a quick peek at some of the general benefits of using video as a training material 👇

Knowledge retention & adaptability

When it comes to knowledge retention, countless studies have proved the superiority of video over the written word. Our ancestors were wired to look for general dangers in the landscape, rather than focus on the smaller details in front of them. The movement, colors and sounds of video are great at targeting the kind of stimulation our brains crave. 

When compared to text, this makes video 9% easier to recall immediately after watching it, a figure that increases to 83% when recalled at a later date. Video therefore naturally lends itself to being a highly effective training material in comparison to traditional resources such as articles, blogs or information packs. The flexibility of video training also allows for greater effectiveness and accessibility. By allowing each employee to undertake training at a time that’s optimal for them, we increase the amount of information they’re able to absorb. 

Cost effective

Higher rates of knowledge retention will bring financial savings. Trainings don’t need to be repeated as often, whilst the quicker processing of video means training times can be reduced too. In a similar vein, modern at-home video softwares bring added savings. Companies can update trainings themselves, rather than paying for an external designer to update course materials. And what’s more, this means training programmes are always kept up to date with the most relevant information. We’re no longer dependent until the next time an in person training session is conducted to share the latest update. 

With VideoScribe, you can choose between a flexible monthly or annual plan. Check out our affordable pricing options here.

Training videos you could create

Now that we’ve looked at some of the general benefits of using the medium of video for training, let’s take a look at some of the more specific ways you can create effective training materials 👇

Employee onboarding

Creating a successful onboarding programme is challenging enough for a company based in one place, let alone when teammates are spread around the country or world. Many of us will have experienced the post-COVID challenge of remote onboarding. Information can be unclear, and whilst you’d normally seek quick clarification from the person seated next to you, you end up waiting for a written response. First impressions count, and unfortunately, a bad onboarding experience can reignite the job search for new hires. 

Set the tone for new team members by incorporating video into the onboarding experience. Our employee onboarding slideshow template is designed to help share the key information each new hire needs to learn when they join your company. Check out this video template below 👇

In contrast, imagine the same onboarding information presented as a list in a formal document. Using animation gives your new hire the impression you’ve made a degree of effort and care about their experience of the onboarding process.

Video doesn’t have to be confined to a list of onboarding tasks or key information. In fact, VideoScribe is regularly utilized for training during the onboarding process. Cost effective and easily customized to each department, animated training videos reduce the one-on-one time a new employee requires to go through the same information with another team member. It’s also a brilliant way of following onboarding best practice as giving new hires with too much information can be overwhelming. The natural restraints of video forces the creator to be concise, conveying only the most relevant details.

Health and safety

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been forced to sit through a corporate health and safety training, where a rather uninspiring presenter demonstrates the “correct” way to lift a cardboard box. Those of us who have ever worked or are working in the US, will know too well the videos you endure to satisfy your workplace insurance company. Animated trainings are particularly effective for health and safety videos, as those that are presenter-led can run the risk of condescending the audience.

Internal processes

At one point or another we’ve all been the recipients of an email detailing a new process to follow. Perhaps it contained a link to the internal workspace, or perhaps - more likely - a large document that we never bothered to download. Let’s get real here; a new internal process is not exactly the most exciting point of our day. If you’re implementing a new process in your business, you need to present it in a way that grabs your teammates’ attention. Animation is the perfect way to do just that. By engaging your audience, you make it effortless for them to receive the information. And what’s more, you can check the hit count on the video to make sure it was actually watched. 

Our Digital Security video template is the perfect starting point to use to help outline your security policies and procedures. Check out the template below 👇

Corporate training can run the risk of being rather mundane. Video can be the perfect way to counter this. When 90% of the information transmitted to our brain is visual, animation follows the pattern we like to receive instruction in. In return, by using video over other mediums, companies can save money and time by making training far more effective. Start your free 7-day trial of VideoScribe to create your own training videos. 


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