Upgrade to VideoScribe 2.1.1 now

Posted by VideoScribe Team on October 30, 2024
VideoScribe Team


You can now upgrade to version 2.1.1 of VideoScribe. Simply log in to your Sparkol account for the link to download the latest version. Here's a short list of the improvements included in the new version.

Log in to your Sparkol account to download VideoScribe 2.1.1.

Version 2.1.1 includes all the great functionality of version 2.1 - plus the following stability improvements:

  • Issues with frames per second (FPS) settings have been resolved
  • A bug was causing the first few lines of an SVG to appear all at once rather than draw in sequence - we've fixed this
  • Zooming is now much more stable - although we do still advise you to use extreme zoom carefully

Read the VideoScribe 2.1 release notes to find out what else is in the latest version.

Topics: New Features & Updates


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