June holiday and events video templates: Pride Month, Environment Day and more!

Posted by Naomi Linford on March 17, 2022
Naomi Linford

We blinked - it's now nearly summer and we're almost half way through 2021! 😲 We hope you've had a happy, healthy and productive first half of the year and you're ready to seize the opportunities coming up over the next few months... Because there's a lot of them! From Pride to World Environment Day, there's a whole heap of awareness days, celebrations and events coming up in June.  

To help you plan and create awesome video this month, we've mapped out the major events you need to know about with pre-made video templates and animation ideas to help you create stand out content. 

But, before we get into the calendar, remember you can sign up to a VideoScribe trial for free! Just create your account here, and you’re in. You don’t need to have any design, video or animation experience. Just click, drag and drop!

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June holidays and events

All month - Pride Month

The month kickstarts with Pride! Pride month takes place every June and is dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. It's all about joining together to celebrate how far LGBTQ+ rights have come, and appreciating that there's still work to be done to ensure LGBTQ+ equality. 

To help you join the conversation and celebrate all the fun of Pride we've created two brand new bright and colorful video templates. They're perfect to share on social media, with friends and family or in emails to customers to show your support. Just log in to VideoScribe to access both of these templates and customize them for yourself πŸŽ‰

Pride month love Scribely video template

Happy Pride Month LGBTQ+ Scribely video template








2nd - Leave The Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay

Note - this still applies if your office happens to be your living room, bedroom or kitchen! πŸ˜‚ Seize this opportunity to take a little extra you-time and practice some self care.

4th - National Donut Day #NationalDonutDay

Need we say any more about this day... It's time to honor one of our favorite sweet treats, the humble donut. Why not give your local donut shop a shout out on social media, share your go-to flavor or ask your audience what theirs is.

5th - World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay

We can all do more to protect the environment, whether it's using less single use plastic, taking public transport or donating to conservation charities. So take Environment Day as an opportunity to help spread awareness, raise important funds and celebrate the beauty of our precious environment.

6th - National Cancer Survivor’s Day #NCSD2021

Cancer affects millions of people worldwide each year and surviving it is an incredible feat to be celebrated each and every day, but especially on June 6th. National Cancer Survivor's Day is a day dedicated to sharing survivors' stories, appreciating life and raising awareness and funds for vital research.

Show your support by amplifying messages on social media, raising funds and discussing the day with those around you. 

6th - Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay

It's time to show some appreciation for the colleges, universities and vocational programmes helping people reach their full potential and develop their skills. If you yourself are a teacher or lecturer, use this opportunity to should about all the incredible work you do. If you're a student or have earned a degree, share your journey and help others follow your path. 

8th - World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay

Over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by ocean and it's our duty to protect it and all the creatures that live in it. Use World Oceans Day to raise awareness of ocean preservation and shout about all the great work being done to protect everything from whales and dolphins to coral and reefs. 

World Oceans Day Scribely video template

8. Tuesday, Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay

Our best friends are there for us through the good and the bad, show them how much they mean to you on Best Friends Day with your own custom animation. Just upload a few of your favorite photos together, add your message and hit publish for your own Hallmark moment! πŸ’•

14th - World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood

Without blood donors, many more people wouldn't survive accidents, childbirth, operations and certain conditions. The generous and kind people who donate their blood deserve all the recognition and more that they get on World Blood Donor Day. It's also a great opportunity to attract more donors by raising awareness of how important it is and how you too can donate. 

19th - Juneteenth (USA) #Juneteenth

Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to ensure all enslaved people were freed. This brought an end to slavery in the United States two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, and has been celebrated ever since. Show your support by creating your own video with the help of our brand new template πŸ‘‡

Juneteenth freedom day Scribely video template

20th - World Refugee Day #WithRefugees

An important day to help raise awareness of the challenges refugees face, how you can help and show your support. 

20th - First Day of Summer

It's finally here! The official first day of summer πŸ™Œ ...although the weather might not show it πŸ™ˆ celebrate the new season by showcasing your favorite places to visit in summer, maybe share your tips on the best produce in season now, or spread the word about how to protect your skin from sun damage. Get creative with this one - there's so many ways you can engage your audience, students or customers!

20th - Father’s Day #FathersDay

It's time to celebrate all the Dads out there. From teaching you to ride a bike and playing catch to stepping in as taxi driver and personal bank, we have a lot to thank Dads for! Which is why we've created a new video template to help you show your appreciation, just switch out the photo to make it your own! πŸ‘‡

Happy Father's Day best Dad Scribely video template

21st - National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay

Who can resist a selfie?! We feel it should be compulsory to take at least one selfie on the 21st. Then upload it into VideoScribe to add extra messages, images and GIFs to share with friends and family.

21st - World Music Day #WorldMusicDay

Did you know you can add your own music to your VideoScribe videos? Just use the Audio icon to upload your favorite tracks!  

21st - International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay

Yoga is awesome for our physical and mental health as it forces us to take time to just breathe, move our body and relax all the build up tension. To help the people around you feel it's benefits too, try organizing an online yoga class for your team, colleagues, students or customers. Or sharing your favorite poses in a quick video using our yoga images in the VideoScribe image library. 

21st - 30th - World Wellbeing Week 

Wellbeing week is all about prioritizing your physical and mental health. Which is why we created a quick template to help you share your own top tips for promoting wellbeing. Just edit the details to add your own advice, statistics or information πŸ‘‡

Happy Wellbeing Week healthy advice Scribely video template

30th - Social Media Day #SMDay

Last but by no means least, we finish the month with Social Media Day. Whether you love it or hate it, social media plays a big role in how we communicate with friends and family, grow our businesses and stay up to date with news and developments.

Great ways to get involved with this day include sharing your most popular posts on each platform, experimenting with a new social media that you haven't tried before or just talking to your community about what they do and don't like about it. Plus, if you need a handy visual to go alongside your content, VideoScribe is always here to help πŸ˜‰

June is a jam packed month! What dates will you be getting involved with? Comment and let us know πŸ‘‡

To use these templates and start creating your own videos, sign up for a VideoScribe free trial. Or get full unlimited video creation potential by becoming a VideoScribe Creator πŸ‘‡


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