How to boost employee satisfaction with animated video

Posted by Clemmy Ralph on August 3, 2022
Clemmy Ralph

If you're not yet using video for your internal communications, this is your sign to start! Gone are the days of long and dull company presentations. By adding animated video into the mix, you'll be sure to boost employee engagement and interest. Also, by having a consistent communication stream with your employees, you'll help boost retention. 

From onboarding videos for new starters to employee recognition videos, this blog will go through our top ways you can use video to boost satisfaction and engagement in the workplace.

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TL;DR? Watch our 10-second recap video below 👇


Onboarding for new starters 

There's no better way to welcome your new starters into the business than with animated onboarding videos. This is a great way to easily cover all the important information the new employee needs to know in a fun and engaging way. Also, there's the added bonus of having the videos to refer back to in the future if they forget anything. 

The template shown below is a great one to use as an introduction to the onboarding process. You could link your new starters to a particular webpage or shared drive, or you could add this video to the start of a slideshow presentation. The name of this template is 'Welcome to the team'.


Share company milestones

Instead of a dry powerpoint presentation, you could turn your stats and company updates into animated videos and graphics. You could add in your own voiceover and background music and you've got an awesome tool to inspire and engage your employees.

The template below is a great one to use to showcase your important milestones and achievements. Just find the template named 'On Track' in VideoScibe and customize it with your own text, images and you could even add a voiceover.


Showcase your employee's achievements

Your employees are the core of your business, so why not highlight the great things they've done with employee recognition videos. This is a great way to encourage your employees to perform better and help them feel rewarded and valued for the work they do.

You could share your video across your social channels to make your employee feel even more special!

💡 Top tip: did you know you can upload photos of your employees into VideoScribe? Check out our short tutorial below to see how it works 👇

uploading photos into videoscribe

Communication from the boss

Regular communication from senior leaders in the company can be invaluable to help motivate and engage employees. Personalized videos from company leaders help to connect with employees and are a great way to share strategic decisions and company values with teams.

The template below could be customized to easily share updates with employees. Simply customize the text and add in any images you feel are necessary. This template is called 'Telling your story'.


So, that's our round-up of the ways you could be using video to supercharge your internal communications and employee engagement. 

Let us know in the comments below which video your company will be trying out first!


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