VideoScribe 2.3.7 release notes

Posted by Joe Clarke on October 9, 2019
Joe Clarke


VideoScribe 2.3.7 was released on 15th February 2017. Log in to your Sparkol account now to start using this latest version. Here's what's new in 2.3.7.

Log in to your Sparkol account to download VideoScribe 2.3.7

What's new in 2.3.7?

  1. Choose between English and Spanish languages within VideoScribe. For more information, please see this Instant Answer
  2. Simplified JPEG and PNG import process. For more information, please see this Instant Answer
  3. Image libraries load faster
  4. Open base library projects with a double click
  5. Faster auto-saves
  6. 'No Hand' option easier to find in hands menu
  7. Unsupported text characters now easier to identify
  8. Image folders streamlined please see this Blog Post for more information

Need help installing VideoScribe 2.3.7?
Please raise a ticket with the support team and they'll get right back to you.

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